A fond farewell

I hope the birds, my birds, continue to be fed and cared for.
I've lost count of the times I've ran into the garden shooing stalking cats away.
When I first put my feeders up they were inundated with Blue and Great Tits, greenfinches, sparrows and starlings with pigeons, collared doves and dunnocks picking up the spills. Because of much tree felling and heavy pruning in neighbouring gardens the greenfinches and tits have largely moved on, but I have seen my sparrow population grow and grow.
Scarcer sightings in the garden include a Song Thrush (just twice), a couple of Jays, a handful of Redwing one cold winters day and these Siskin last march. I often wonder what birds have been here before me and what will show up when I leave (even the birds when I had my back turned). I guess I'll never know.
So on to Landsdowne Avenue now, with it's mature trees. Somewhere to put all my nest boxes at last. What will show up on my new garden list? Watch this space.....
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