Saturday 8 November 2008

Tawny Frogmouth and Friends, Melbourne

Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides

left: Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala,
right: Red Wattlebird fledgling Anthochaera carunculata

Whenever we land in Melbourne we always go for a walk around Maranoa Gardens (a native gardens within Beckett Park) to stretch our legs. That's where Tamara found this Tawny Frogmouth. It isn't the first time we've encountered this stunning bird on arrival day, indeed the very first entry in my very first bird diary was a frogmouth here in April 2006. But this time it was daytime and I had my scope (Nikon ED50) and camera (Ricoh GRDII).

Other birds seen so far today were, in order of appearance:
House Sparrow, Common Myna, Magpie Lark, Australian Magpie (white backed form), Feral Pigeon, Silver Gull, Australian Raven, Common Starling, Spotted Turtle–Dove, Sulpher-crested Cockatoo, Blackbird, Galah, Brush Wattlebird, Rainbow Lorikeet, Eastern Rosella.


Blogger John B said...

It didn't take you long to get going! The frogmouth looks as glum as I did on Thursday morning.
Keep blogging.

10 November 2008 at 10:13  
Anonymous Pamela said...

I once saw a few of these birds in person at the local zoo in my area here in the U.S. A. Pictures simply don't do them justice. I thought they were the cutest and most adorable little birds I'd ever seen. I was disappointed to learn they were not native to N. America!

1 October 2014 at 22:00  

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