Tuross Head, NSW
We drove five hours south this weekend to the beautiful Tuross Head. I was checking out a car which turned out to have a big gash up the side (cheers Norman!) but we ended up calling in at the beach-side campsite and staying for the whole weekend. Here's some of the local talent.


juv White-bellied Sea-eagle

White-fronted Chat

Red-capped Plover

Bluebottle Jellyfish
Others noted included my first 2 Australian Little Egrets; a family of 3 Black-shouldered Kites; 2 Whistling Kite (bit stringy); an adult White-bellied Sea-eagle; Eastern Whipbird; Golden-headed Cisticola; Caspian Tern; 5 Bar-tailed Godwit; 2 Eastern Curlew; 10 Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo.


juv White-bellied Sea-eagle

White-fronted Chat

Red-capped Plover

Bluebottle Jellyfish
Others noted included my first 2 Australian Little Egrets; a family of 3 Black-shouldered Kites; 2 Whistling Kite (bit stringy); an adult White-bellied Sea-eagle; Eastern Whipbird; Golden-headed Cisticola; Caspian Tern; 5 Bar-tailed Godwit; 2 Eastern Curlew; 10 Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo.
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