Eastern Bristlebirds, Jervis Bay

The birthday girl and I went to Jervis Bay (NSW) this weekend.
There were plenty of good wildlife encounters but the highlight was undoubtedly watching five Eastern Brislebirds and an Echidna crossing the road during an hour's stake-out up near the Cape St. George Lighthouse. Record shot below.

Eastern Bristlebird

Tawny Crowned Honeyeaters

Spotted Pardalote

White-bellied Sea-Eagle

Fur Seal?
Other moments were: my first Hoary-headed Grebes with six on the Botanic Gardens lake; a confident Brown Quail leading us up to the Lighthouse with five more wondering around the Jervis Bay convenience store; Eight White bellied Sea Eagles at Steamers Beach; my first Swamp Harrier; two Sooty Oystercatcher; close views of Peregrine and Whistling Kite (and Little Penguin remains) at Cave beach; my first two pairs of Tawny-crowned Honeyeaters; a pair of Spotted Pardalote nest building; a Fur Seal (i think) playing with a cuttlefish; a couple of Rock Wallabies; and, bizarrely, a ginger Guinea Pig crept out of the heath while we were looking for Ground Parrots.
The lowlight was breaking my scope (dropped) and camera (sand) in the space of a couple of hours. Might be the last photos from me for a while.

Brown Quails with broken camera
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