Cley and North Norfolk
Just been for a week long family Holiday to North Norfolk. Trip highlights included 2 Barn Owls that frequented the meadows opposite the cottage, a good view of a Tawny Owl in the middle of the road, and a trip to Cley (that never seems to disappoint). Cley was alive with Bearded Tits that were getting ready to disperse, with groups of up to 20 birds flying high above the reeds and showing really well when they came back down. I thought that was good but on my walk up to the shingle I got the news I was hoping for, there were still 9 Lapland Buntings there. I walked as fast as I could without running to the sea wall and got some great views. There was even a bonus early Snow Bunting in the mix. To round the day off I had my first (albeit distant) views of a Hooded Crow.

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