Wollongong Pelagic

Cape Petrel. Bit of a crowd pleaser - we had two around the boat for a while.

Salvin's Albatross. My second this year. Compared to some of the birds I haven't seen yet, like Buller's Albatross, this is quite a rare piece.

Salvin's Albatross

Here's a close up of the Salvin's underside wing tip. It shows the dark tip without a white wedge typical of Shy/White-capped Albatross. Also, the messy patch on the leading edge of the 'hand'.

White-headed Petrel. My first fleeting look at one took a good nudge from Lyndsay to get me onto it.

Northern Giant Petrel AKA The Stinker.

Young female Wanderer (Antipodes). I had the privilege of holding this bird while it was having its new bracelet installed.

The ID for this dolphin is still up in the air.
UPDATE: The flying dolphin seen above is in fact a Striped Dolphin. Here are some slightly more diagnostic shots.

The Sandra K bobbed out of Wollongong harbour again this morning at 7am. The weather was perfect for pelagics - a bit of wind (10 knots gradually increasing to 25) kept the birds on the wing without burning a layer of skin off your face. The sea wasn't big either so the camera work wasn't too tricky. Once again it was great to be aboard with an inspiring bunch of people and we saw some good birds. One new one for me was the White-headed Petrel.
must have been a great experience, some really nice photos
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