Uncle Pete's

Uncle Pete's house

Bar-shouldered Dove

Crested Pigeon

Female Satin Bowerbird
We've just been up the coast to celebrate 'the Queen's birthday' with Uncle Pete and family. He owns his very own Rainham Marshes in a place called Raleigh, NSW.
On the trip up I saw three new species: Pied Butcherbird (joined us for a roadside lunch), White-necked Heron and Brahminy Kite.
Others added during the weekend: Buff-banded Rail (Surprisingly tame for a rail. Drinking from Pete's recently flooded swimming pool.), White-headed Pigeon, Regent Bowerbird (c40 'brown birds' and a single male around Bellingen Island).
And, of note in and around Raleigh: a pair of Osprey nesting on the the rail bridge in Urunga took flight every time a freight train passed through; 20+ King Parrots in Pete's back yard; an Emu off the road near Bellingen; Black, Little and Grey Headed Flying foxes roosting on Bellingen Island.
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