Royal NP, Sydney
I searched Wattle Flat for Powerful Owl, Mount Bass Firetrail for Chestnut-rumped Heathwren and Garie Beach for Brown Quail. All have been seen at these spots before but not today. Here's what I did manage to photograph instead.

There is usually an Azure Kingfisher or two around Wattle Flat

White-browed Scrubwren, Garie Beach, doing a pretty good impression of a Little Owl.

immature Silver Gull, Garie Beach

immature Crested Tern, Garie Beach

There is usually an Azure Kingfisher or two around Wattle Flat

White-browed Scrubwren, Garie Beach, doing a pretty good impression of a Little Owl.

immature Silver Gull, Garie Beach

immature Crested Tern, Garie Beach
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