Swift Parrots, Chain Valley Bay

Swift Parrot, Chain Valley Bay
There's been a nice flock of Swift Parrots and some Regent Honeyeaters knocking about the Central Coast for the last couple of weeks now so I had to go up and have a look.
There were c.20 swifties at Chain Valley Bay along with good numbers of Scaly-breasted Lorikeets (both lifers for me). And, at Morisset, there were two Regents, numerous Little Lorikeets and my well-overdue first encounter with Varied Sitella.

Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, Chain Valley Bay

White-naped Honeyeater, Morisset

Little Lorikeet, Morisset

Varied Sitella, Morisset

Varied Sitella, Morisset
Hello I have lived in CVB for 22 years and only now, to date have begun to notice the, what I can only describe as swarms or formations of Swift Parrots located to the left of the boat ramp on the Joshua Porter reserve. They are very active right now, feeding on the flowering gums in front of the toilet block! I would also recommend a walk down the cycle way of Scaysbrook and Elsinore at fist light , the honey eaters are prolific along with a great variety of finch, red breasted robins and spinebils! I have also noticed a pair of grey egrets nesting on Elsinore, right behind my house in Elabana, they have had the same nest in a srtingy bark for the last 3-4 years that I am aware of!
Love to all you bird lovers!
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