Seal Rocks, NSW
Seal Rocks is about one tank of gasoline north of Sydney and worth every ironic emission it took to reach our eco-cabin get-away.

The plot was surrounded with flowering gum and alive with Noisy Friarbirds, the odd Little Friarbird (lifer), Red Wattlebirds and Rainbow Lorikeets. That night about 150 Friarbirds flew north, over our cabin, to roost.

Noisy Friarbird or Leatherhead Philemon corniculatus

Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus

One of many Kookaburras Dacelo novaeguineae
Other noteworthy birds seen around Seal Rocks and the Myall Lakes National Park this weekend included 2 Cattle Egret, 1 Great Egret, 6 White Ibis, 1 Straw-necked Ibis, 5 Whistling Kite, Black-shouldered Kite, 1 Wedge-tailed Eagle, 5 White-bellied Sea Eagle, Goshawk sp., 2 Bar-shouldered Dove (lifer), 2 Tawny Frogmouth, Rose Robin (lifer), 3 Eastern Whipbird, 2 Satin Bowerbird, 3 Grey Shrike-thrush, fem Satin Flycatcher (lifer), and a cracking Golden-headed Cisticola, yeah!

Tawny Frogmouth

The plot was surrounded with flowering gum and alive with Noisy Friarbirds, the odd Little Friarbird (lifer), Red Wattlebirds and Rainbow Lorikeets. That night about 150 Friarbirds flew north, over our cabin, to roost.

Noisy Friarbird or Leatherhead Philemon corniculatus

Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus

One of many Kookaburras Dacelo novaeguineae
Other noteworthy birds seen around Seal Rocks and the Myall Lakes National Park this weekend included 2 Cattle Egret, 1 Great Egret, 6 White Ibis, 1 Straw-necked Ibis, 5 Whistling Kite, Black-shouldered Kite, 1 Wedge-tailed Eagle, 5 White-bellied Sea Eagle, Goshawk sp., 2 Bar-shouldered Dove (lifer), 2 Tawny Frogmouth, Rose Robin (lifer), 3 Eastern Whipbird, 2 Satin Bowerbird, 3 Grey Shrike-thrush, fem Satin Flycatcher (lifer), and a cracking Golden-headed Cisticola, yeah!

Tawny Frogmouth
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