Barren Grounds Phototrap Test (and fail)

Ground parrot exposure test.
I took the phototrap into the field for the first time this weekend and back to the site of my previous Ground Parrot encounter to try and get some nocturnal shots.
The forecast was for high winds and storms but they didn't materialise. It didn't rain on my swag either - things were feeling good.
Just after sundown the heath came to life with Bristlebirds calling all around me and three Ground parrots piping up close to the trap. There was wombat shit everywhere - surely, surely I'd have some shots waiting for me in the morning... NOT. It would have been a lovely picture but, never mind, it was good fun trying.
I did have some consolation with one GP showing well a couple of times before flying straight towards me and across the plateau.
Here's the kit list: Canon 7D, Canon 50mm F1.6, Canon 430EX II Speedlite flash x 2, Phototrap.

Perhaps a bit of camouflage next time.
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