I took myself for a spin around the Eltham parks today. Here's some shots and a full species account.

L to R: Superb Blue Wren male and female, Galah, Eastern Grey Kangaroo, White-winged Chough, Sacred KingfisherOthers seen in order of appearance: Wood Duck, Pacific Black Duck, Magpie Lark, Australian Magpie, Noisy Miner, Eastern Rosella, Starling, Spotted Turtle Dove, Masked Lapwing, Australian Raven, Common Myna, Little Corella, Crested Pigeon, Red Wattlebird, Grey Butcherbird, Dusky Moorhen, Laughing Kookaburra, Common Bronzewing, Rainbow Lorikeet, Australian Darter, Straw-necked Ibis, White-faced Heron, Little Black Cormorant, Nankeen Night Heron, Sulpher-crested Cockatoo, Willy Wagtail, Welcome Swallow, Crimson Rosella... and yesterday night a pair of red-rumped Parrots.