Westleton Heath, Dunwich Heath and Minsmere
Apart from some nice Stonechats on Dunwich Heath and a frustratingly distant and fenced off view of what was probably Silver Studded Blue Butterflies, i didn't see much until I got to Minsmere. I bumped into someone who just had some Bearded Tits so I stuck around and while we were waiting a Bittern sat up on the reeds enough for us to see it's head before flying off towards Island Mere. I did get a good view of 3 Bearded Tits, including a smart male who sat up long enough for me to snap him.

I then went to Island Mere to track down the female Ferruginous Duck. I'm not 100% sure i saw it (was more likely a female tufted silhouetted against the sunlit water) but
while I was scanning I did see the unusual sight of a grass snake swimming across the water being chased by ducks. Also of note were some Southern Marsh Orchids on the approach to the hide.
I Left Minsmere back along the coast to Dunwich Heath and back up to Westleton Heath where I saw a pair of Dartford Warblers (got decent view but alas no photo) before waiting for nightfall. I had a short churr from a Nightjar at dusk but it never got going after that. I heard a further 2 birds on my way back to the car.